Golf.Com ranks Vitense Golfland as #1 for Miniature Golf in Wisconsin!
Take a break from any kind of inclement weather and enjoy a comfortable round of indoor miniature golf on our “Madison” landmark 18 hole miniature golf course – educational, interactive and extremely fun!
Play the #1 rated miniature golf courses in Wisconsin and one of the top rated in the U.S.! The two outdoor 18 hole miniature golf courses – the California Course and the Wisconsin Course and our INDOOR Madison Landmark Course offer entertaining, challenging, and interactive fun. Even if you don’t care much for putting, there are still plenty of entertaining features to maintain your interest making it fun for all family members and friends. Did you ever: take a stroll under a waterfall, ride a monorail over a pit, slide down a mine shaft through a mountain – putt & walk under a giraffe – crawl through a barn – step to the top of a lighthouse – climb a mountain to a ranger station – ride a Beastie – log roll – ride down Bernie’s slide like Miller Park – or putt through mountain caverns? This and more can be experienced by playing our two outside and one indoor 18 hole miniature golf courses (54 holes in all) – The “Putting Edge” of Miniature Golf!
***BONUS*** While there is no snow on our OUTDOOR Courses, add UNLIMITED Outdoor Courses to your regular Indoor Course price at NO Additional cost! Come and play TODAY!
Regular Rates
18 Holes: 36 Holes: 54 Holes:
Adult $12.50 $18.00 $23.00
Junior $10.50 $14.00 $18.00
Pee Wee $5.00 $6.00 $7.00
Junior: 5 – 12
Pee Wee: 4 & Under
Vitense Golfland – Nationally Recognized – Play one of the “10 Great Miniature Golf Courses Across the U.S.A.” per 8-19-16 USA Today!
“Madison” Indoor Miniature Golf Course Sponsors